
Saturday, 21 April 2007

A Third Lung

Have you ever felt like screaming at the top of your lungs like a little girl with pig tails and freckles?? Well that's exactly what i feel like doing, although without the pigtails, freckles and a sex change. I can literally feel the hair on my head turning grey and my head spinning like a tumble dryer. I find it almost impossible to escape from this imprisonment within my own head.

So whats brought it all on? Well... the ice-cream shop was shut, so i couldn't have my favourite mint-choc-chip ice-cream for starters. Those of you who are caffeine addicts and who don't get their daily fix, will know exactly how i feel. Sugar, specifically in the shape of ice-cream on a cone is the bane of my existence. Chocolate is a close second and a suitable alternative. Also the fact that I'm stuck at home with the parents is really doing my nut in! After spending three years at university with all the freedom in the world, its no wonder I'm going crazy now! My only respite is that in another 5 months I'll soon be back at uni starting my second undergraduate degree in Medicine... a whole 5 years of practical 'me' time!!

OK, so i don't have it that bad, rent free and access to daddy's credit card. However, life still seems like a enclosed box to me with no breathing space. Hence, the start of this blog thingy, a third lung, making it easier to breath in this semi-glamorous prison of mine.

1 comment:

Harry said...

yay! you started a blog! I'll keep reading for sure, and I'll link to you on mine tomorrow when i am a bit more alert.