If I could sum up my life in a single picture it would have to be this one, a big fat tangle:
Like when your headphones are all tangled up. How do they get that way, when you leave them all nice and straight. It's as though they come to life whilst you're sleeping or away and decide to play 'hide-en-seek'. Except there's nowhere for them to hide since they're attached to each other. So they just end up getting into a mess and later cause a great deal of frustration when you find them!
And when you finally straighten yourself out, you wonder about the meaning of life, was it worth getting all those tangles straightened out??:
And sometimes... well you just got to search for it else where:
... and wish for the best...
And maybe, just maybe, things start happening. The jigsaw puzzle of your life starts falling into place, and you know gleefully that your pet dog called Snowy hasn't swallowed a piece! Finally you can see the whole picture, and you think to yourself that at last your dreams can actually come true:

But life isn't as simple as that. One too many sugar-rushes to the head start to make you curious. Questions about your kingdom full of chocolate and worst, your life:
... and then bad things start to happen. You start to resent those around you, especially all those annoying silly people with their fake smiles:
... thus, you come to the conclusion that if you were content with what you previously had before, your life wouldn't be in a big tangle once again, and you therefore wouldn't be forced to live with all the crazy people of the world... except there's no one left. Your only friends are the tablets you stumble upon, which help make you lucid, and your final thoughts are that at least you didn't succumb to Alzheimer's: 
(Pictures produced by Edward Monkton)
... is there such a thing as destiny??... I'm still searching for my jigsaw pieces.
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More Glorious events in US history
Reverend Solomon Stoddard, one of New England's most esteemed religious leaders, in "1703 formally proposed to the Massachusetts Governor that the colonists be given the financial wherewithal to purchase and train large packs of dogs 'to hunt Indians as they do bears'." [SH241]
Massacre of Sand Creek, Colorado 11/29/1864. Colonel John Chivington, a former Methodist minister and still elder in the church ("I long to be wading in gore") had a Cheyenne village of about 600, mostly women and children, gunned down despite the chiefs' waving with a white flag: 400-500 killed.
From an eye-witness account: "There were some thirty or forty squaws collected in a hole for protection; they sent out a little girl about six years old with a white flag on a stick; she had not proceeded but a few steps when she was shot and killed. All the squaws in that hole were afterwards killed ..." [SH131]
By the 1860s, "in Hawai'i the Reverend Rufus Anderson surveyed the carnage that by then had reduced those islands' native population by 90 percent or more, and he declined to see it as tragedy; the expected total die-off of the Hawaiian population was only natural, this missionary said, somewhat equivalent to 'the amputation of diseased members of the body'." [SH244]
For more details [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ]click her[/url]
All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.
so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.
You must find out
who is our savior Jesus or ?
You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.
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