A Dollop Full Of Shite
Working on a Sunday isn't very exciting, actually its right down annoying. Whats even worst is when you start at 7:30am! The bleeding birds are awake outside at this time, but its only to take their morning shite on my 'day-before' cleaned car, you'd think they'd have something better to do this early in the morning?!

My work is far from engaging. It usually involves watching lots of Jeremy Kyle and filling out a few medical forms whilst secretly reading 'Full House' or 'Best' bought from the local Tesco's. Don't you just love the problem pages and all those true stories, makes you own life feel practically normal or at least adds a cheap frill to your day. A recent issue involved a woman finding her long lost family 'at the shops'! Imagine going round to your corner shop for bread and milk, to instead take home a whole extended family (plus 10 pints of milk and 5 loafs of bread), I mean, if one mouth wasn't enough to feed! For all this hard work I get paid pittance, and yet I have an honours degree under my belt and every day I bring all my non-existent life experience to work for my fellow co-workers to benefit from. The world is an unjust place!
...so you're a girl then???
Lol no i'm a guy who reads the trashy magazines found at work to distract myself from the bore which is my job. Yov've got to admit they're somewhat addictive.
oh no, i can't believe you read those magazines! lol. people leave them lying around at work, but i never read them. whoo for the blog :)
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