
Sunday 29 July 2007

Ground Hog Day

Okay so i ain't up-dated in awhile... it's called sheer laziness and the fact that when it come down to actually writing something i can never be bothered... OK that's the same thing as laziness, but who cares. Nearly everyday i feel like i have to climb over a hurdle, the same hurdle i climbed the day before. Its as though when i go to sleep someone picks me up by the feet, twirls me around like a shot-put and flings me back to were i was. And where is that... well.. it's the same dull blackness, that i now face everyday. I don't mean this to sound sinister... just .. well .. i dunno. I suppose I'm losing enthusiasm, for work, for uni for life ... i just want to stay in my comfort zone and not move... and yes i know that's boring, but there's nothing to inspire me, nothing to make me think 'wow'. And everyday is the same, like 'ground-hog' day. Even reading the new Harry Potter was just another day... sigh...

I think part of its got to do with the fact that nothing simulates my mind any more, i may even be losing brain cells just by not using them, as my neuro lecturer use to say, "Use them or lose them." So, my new dilemma is to think of something which will inspire me and make me act so that i can prevent any further brain cells from dying and crossing into the abyss. Any ideas would be great!